【pratap nagar bridge】Scenery of Golden Horn in Istanbul, Türkiye
Tourists walk in a square on the shore of the Golden Horn in Istanbul,Türkiye, Aug. 29, 2024. The Golden Horn, once an important port for trade fleets of the Ottoman Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire, is a famous local tourist attraction nowadays. (Xinhua/Liu Lei)
Ships sail in waters near the Golden Horn at sunset in Istanbul, Türkiye, Aug. 29, 2024. The Golden Horn, once an important port for trade fleets of the Ottoman Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire, is a famous local tourist attraction nowadays. (Xinhua/Liu Lei)
This photo taken on Aug. 29, 2024 shows floating restaurants at the Golden Horn in Istanbul, Türkiye. The Golden Horn, once an important port for trade fleets of the Ottoman Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire, is a famous local tourist attraction nowadays. (Xinhua/Liu Lei)
Ships sail in waters near the Golden Horn in Istanbul, Türkiye, Aug. 29, 2024. The Golden Horn, once an important port for trade fleets of the Ottoman Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire, is a famous local tourist attraction nowadays. (Xinhua/Liu Lei)
An aerial drone photo taken on Aug. 29, 2024 shows ships sailing in waters near the Golden Horn in Istanbul, Türkiye. The Golden Horn, once an important port for trade fleets of the Ottoman Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire, is a famous local tourist attraction nowadays. (Xinhua/Liu Lei)
An aerial drone photo taken on Aug. 29, 2024 shows scenery of the Golden Horn in Istanbul, Türkiye. The Golden Horn, once an important port for trade fleets of the Ottoman Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire, is a famous local tourist attraction nowadays. (Xinhua/Liu Lei)
An aerial drone photo taken on Aug. 29, 2024 shows scenery of the Golden Horn in Istanbul, Türkiye. The Golden Horn, once an important port for trade fleets of the Ottoman Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire, is a famous local tourist attraction nowadays. (Xinhua/Liu Lei)
This photo taken on Aug. 29, 2024 shows scenery of the Golden Horn in Istanbul, Türkiye. The Golden Horn, once an important port for trade fleets of the Ottoman Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire, is a famous local tourist attraction nowadays. (Xinhua/Liu Lei)
A ship sails in waters near the Golden Horn in Istanbul, Türkiye, Aug. 29, 2024. The Golden Horn, once an important port for trade fleets of the Ottoman Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire, is a famous local tourist attraction nowadays. (Xinhua/Liu Lei)
An aerial drone photo taken on Aug. 29, 2024 shows scenery of the Golden Horn in Istanbul, Türkiye. The Golden Horn, once an important port for trade fleets of the Ottoman Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire, is a famous local tourist attraction nowadays. (Xinhua/Liu Lei)
A ship sails in waters near the Golden Horn in Istanbul, Türkiye, Aug. 29, 2024. The Golden Horn, once an important port for trade fleets of the Ottoman Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire, is a famous local tourist attraction nowadays. (Xinhua/Liu Lei)
Seagulls fly over the Golden Horn in Istanbul, Türkiye, Aug. 29, 2024. The Golden Horn, once an important port for trade fleets of the Ottoman Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire, is a famous local tourist attraction nowadays. (Xinhua/Liu Lei)
Fishing enthusiasts fish on a bridge over the Golden Horn in Istanbul, Türkiye, Aug. 29, 2024. The Golden Horn, once an important port for trade fleets of the Ottoman Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire, is a famous local tourist attraction nowadays. (Xinhua/Liu Lei)
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